
Drop off Policy:

Wynnum Manly Little Athletics strongly suggests that a Parent/Carer must stay to watch their children compete each week. We do however recognise that this is not possible every week. Our only request is that parents dropping children off bring them to the shed to sign them in, leave contact details and sign them out at the end of the day. You are also requested to be at MBC to pick your children up no later than 3:30pm.

WMLAC is not a babysitting service.

Bad behaviour: 

Swearing, displays of bad sportsmanship and abuse of athletes or officials is not permitted. This applies to athletes and parents. (Refer to the QLAA Parent Handbook for further info).

Out of bounds: 

Children are not to go past swimming pool block. Any child found walking through the school grounds will receive a warning. Any child who receives more than two warnings may be asked to rethink their association with WMLA.


Unisex toilets are available at the swimming pool facility (No access to pool is available). Athletes are to go in pairs or with their parent/guardian.


Any defacing of Centre or school property will not be tolerated. Offenders will be asked to leave the Centre. No refunds will be given.


Children and parents must check that the track is clear before crossing. Children and parents must walk behind throwing circles. Shot Put’s and Discus can be lethal. Javelin area is “out of bounds” to all except javelin competitors and their marshals.


No child or parent is to use any of the equipment unless supervised by a Centre official.


No smoking of any kind is allowed in any competition arena and spectator areas for QLAA endorsed events. There is a NO SMOKING policy within the grounds of MBC.


No dogs are permitted on the Moreton Bay College grounds.

Sun Safe Policy:

Little Athletics is an outdoor sporting activity and every care should be taken in the sun: SLIP on a (sun-safe) shirt, SLOP on sunscreen regularly, SLAP on a hat (when not competing).

Parents and Officials are also asked to encourage and abide by this policy by not wearing tank tops, wearing a hat and applying sunscreen.

This policy applies to competition and coaching/training sessions.

Athletes are also encouraged to carry a water bottle with them and drink plenty of water between events.

Little Athletics Policies:

A copy of Little Athletics National and State Policies can be found on the LAQ website here.

Centre Awards Criteria:

  • Participation Trophy’s (see conditions below)
  • Age Group Awards 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each age group (Under 9 to U17)*
  • Coaches Award
  • Most PB’s U6 –U17 (Boys and Girls)
    • Jumps
    • Throws
    • Track
  • High Performance Athlete U9-10, U11-12, U13+ Boys and Girls. Scoring to be based on results from regional and state relays, regional and state champs.
  • Centre Manager Encouragement Award Boys & Girls
  • Five & Ten Year Membership Awards

Age Champions:

The awards criteria are designed to recognise and reward the athlete who performs at their best each week (i.e. by participating and achieving personal bests).

  • 3 points per event participated in each week
  • 5 points for a personal best
  • 2 points for equalling their personal best
  • 15 points for a centre record
  • 10 points for attending Regional Relays (Athlete will need to nominate and attend for a minimum of 2 Events)
  • 10 points for attending Regional Championships (Athlete will need to nominate and attend for a minimum of 2 Events)

PB and Centre Records only recognised from competition at MBC.

Participation Awards:

  • Under 6, Under 7 and Under 8 age groups are eligible for participation awards only if they meet the attendance criteria. There will be NO AGE AWARDS for these age groups.
  • All athletes will have to attain 60% attendance for the weekly competitions and also RSVP to the end of season break up.
  • In case of Sickness or injury a medical certificate is required and must be presented to the registrar prior to the end of season.
  • Other special circumstances may be considered and must be presented to the committee in writing for a ruling.

* The Committee reserves the right to combine Age Groups where participation numbers are low or lower than the attendance percentage where required.