General Information

Little Athletics is a uniquely Australian sport for children 5-16 years. As the name suggests, it is based upon the sport of athletics (track & field) and the events are specially modified to suit the ages and abilities of children. A wide range of running, jumping, and throwing events are conducted.

Little Athletics is the Foundation for all Sports. It offers young people activities and skills that will stand them in good stead for their sporting future.

The track & field based competition is conducted throughout both our summer sports season. Events are conducted on a weekly basis an can include:


Track Events

Sprints – 70m, 100m, 200m

Distance – 400m, 800m, 1500m

Hurdles – 50mH, 60mH, 80mH, 90mH, 100mH, 110mH


Field Events

Jumps – Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump 

Throws – Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, Vortex, Turbo Jav



The philosophy of the Little Athletics movement is summed up in the slogan:


 Family – One of the basic reasons for the continued development and enthusiasm generated by Little Athletics, has been the attempt to meet the needs of children as part of the family unit.

Little Athletics is more than a sport. It is a community-oriented organisation which enables the entire family to do something together.

Parents are involved in the program as voluntary helpers or officials. They share in many experiences with the children.

 Fun – The weekly competition provides fun through participation in an enjoyable sport, with friends in the same age group.

 Fitness – The community has become increasingly aware of the value of physical fitness. A fit body can mean an alert mind and a decrease in the incidence of many physical ailments.

Combined with FAMILY involvement…FITNESS can be…FUN in the happy environment of a Little Athletics Centre.



Little Athletics aims to develop children of all abilities by promoting positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle through family and community involvement in athletics activities.



LAQ aims to guarantee all children and adults access to a complete range of participation, training and competition opportunities and to ensure equity in all aspects of Athletics, including the provision of rewards and incentives, coaching, officiating and administration. LAQ recognises seven equity areas, which include: gender, disabilities, older adults, Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, non-English speaker, employment status and isolated communities.



The Club Uniform consists of green and red shirt with the club logo on the front left of the shirt and both a green and red sleeve.

Or an optional crop top or singlet for the U13 to U17 age groups.

Boys are to wear plain black shorts only. Logos must be smaller than 4cm x 4cm.

Girls may wear bike pants or shorts that are black in colour.

Uniforms are to be worn on competition days and when representing the Club at Carnivals.

The Competition Number must be affixed (sewn or pinned) onto the front of the shirt, crop top or singlet. Sponsor Logos must be affixed onto right chest.

A red Age Group label must be affixed onto left sleeve of a shirt or to the left side of the athlete’s shorts if wearing a crop top or singlet.

Detailed instructions can be found .



Spikes are only permitted for athletes in U11-U17 age groups. Athletes may put spikes on when they are marshalled for an event then remove them before leaving the track or field on completion of the event.

Shoes must be worn by all athletes while competing in any QLAA sanctioned track and field competition. Any person seeking exemption from wearing shoes must support their application with a relevant medical certificate on the day of competition, before competing.

Information on wearing spikes can be found here.


What you can do to help

Little Athletics would not exist without volunteers. Our Centre is no different. Nobody is paid at WMLA. Everyone who contributes to the successful running of the Centre does so for the love of the sport and their children. This includes the Committee members and the myriad of people who assist in other ways. Everyone should share this philosophy. Just because you are new to Little Athletics does not mean you cannot help.


How can you help? 

You can:

  1. set up before competition
  2. pack up after competition
  3. help in the canteen
  4. act as a judge (measure distances) or recorder (write distances on tickets) at field events
  5. be an age marshal to supervise kids, move them between events and record their performances
  6. help at field events by raking the long jump pit, retrieving a shot put, discus and javelin, moving the high jump bar

Please don’t just stand back. If you can lend a hand please do so, as we all have a role to play. If you would like to know what to do, ask someone on competition days. We’d really appreciate it.


What are the benefits?

  1. Personal satisfaction
  2. A smoother competition
  3. An earlier finish
  4. A fine example for others
  5. Happy children

For parents who wish to become accredited officials, we can also make suitable arrangements. Ask a Committee member.

All WMLA parents/adults can apply for their ‘Blue Card’. The application is free to volunteers and is just another way that the Centre ensures the safety of our children.


Committee Meetings

The Committee of the Wynnum Manly Little Athletics Centre meets each month. Meetings are usually held in the third week of each month. The committee welcomes your constructive feedback. Should you have an item you would like addressed at a meeting, please advise our Centre Manager or Secretary.



Our Centre derives funds from the following for the updating and upkeep of equipment:

  1. Registration (less Association fees)
  2. Uniform Sales (less the initial cost of the uniforms and patches)
  3. Canteen Sales
  4. Sponsorship from local companies.